MP Reznik was detained in St. Petersburg

MP Reznik was detained in Saint- Petersburg

Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Maksim Reznik was arrested in a drug case, reported the press service of the main directorate of the city of the Russian Commission of Inquiry.

Earlier today there was a report of a search of Reznik's apartment. The Board of Inquiry said the events took place in connection with the investigation of a criminal case under the article on attempted illicit production, sale or transfer of narcotics .

“As a result of investigative actions and operational research measures in collaboration with employees of the regional department of the Ministry of the Interior, it was established that Maxim Reznik, born in 1974, who is deputy of the sixth convocation of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, was involved in the commission of this crime, “the message reads.

It should be noted that the investigation gathered enough evidence to charge the legislature with a felony.

According to the ministry, by March 9 at the latest, the MP illegally acquired a narcotic substance weighing 18.2 grams from an unidentified person for his personal consumption. Reznik was arrested, the issue of choosing a preventive measure against him is pending, “the report says.

Earlier, the Nevsky District Court arrested him. Artist Ivan Dorofeev, accused of attempting to sell drugs. Internet videos show that during the search of the artist's apartment, Maxim Reznik was present.

The MP then explained that he was visiting his distant relative. After that, Reznik was questioned as a witness in the case.

Previously, the radio Sputnik had reported searches of the mayor of Vladivostok who had left office.

 MP Reznik was arrested in St. Petersburg


The Russians were given instructions on how not to get lost in the forest

The Russians were instructions given How not to get lost in the woods

Experts reminded forest walkers of the safety rules, according to IA” Sever-press “.

According to experts, it is necessary to go to the forest with light clothes, which in an emergency will allow you to notice the “traveler” from a distance. You should also bring a compass, matches, a knife, a small supply of water and food, as well as some medicine for those who take it regularly.

Before leaving, you must warn your loved ones and tell them about your route.

Picking mushrooms is best matched with another person by charging your cell phone and checking your account balance. It is also worth taking a whistle so that, if necessary, the lost person has the opportunity to give a signal. How Angels Helicopter Squad rescued people yesterday, 19:50

Before entering the forest, it is necessary to determine the landmark by which it will later be possible to return to back. When walking, be sure to watch out for unusual trees or clearings, which will help you navigate the terrain.

If a traveler gets lost in the forest, calm down and listen to the sounds: people's voices, passing cars, etc. “The best assistant for a person going to the forest is a cell phone. Even with a zero balance, you can call 112 from there, and the service operators will help guide the exit from the forest themselves or to send a search team to help, ”Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug & # 39; s Civil Protection and Fire Safety Department.

If your loved one gets lost, call rescuers immediately. Independent research can trample on the traces of the missing.

Earlier, Sputnik radio reported that the woman got lost on her way to work and froze to death.

The Russians were given instructions not to not get lost in the forest


Two people injured in crash with trucks near Samara

Two people were injured in an accident with trucks near Samara

Two oncoming trucks collided on the highway in the Neftegorsk district of the Samara region. This was reported to Volga News by the press service of the regional main directorate of the Ministry of Interior of Russia.

Both drivers were hospitalized.

For the moment, the traffic police authorize the passage of vehicles on one lane.

Earlier, Sputnik radio reported that five people were injured in Volgograd after an accident with a minibus.

Two people were injured in an accident with trucks near Samara


He became known to the state of Russians affected by the shooting in Abkhazia

The condition of the Russians who were injured by the shooting in Abkhazia became known

The Russian Embassy in Abkhazia reported on the the state of two Russians who were injured in the shooting at the pension “Boxwood Grove” in the town of Pitsunda.

“At the moment, Russian citizens are being treated in Sochi, there is no threat to their life,” the embassy said.

Operational interaction of the consulate and the official representation of the Ministry of Interior of Russia in Abkhazia. “We are compelled to assert that this is not the first resounding case of an attack on Russian tourists in the republic”, the diplomatic mission added, urging the Abkhaz authorities to complete the actions as soon as possible and to strengthen the preventive work aimed at combating crime.

On the night of June 15 nya in the restaurant “Apsny” on the territory of the pension “Samshitovaya Roscha” in Abkhazia, there was a shooting. As a result of the incident, two Russian tourists were injured. The attacker turned out to be a 43-year-old resident of Lykhny village, Gudauta district, Dmitry Piliya. It is reported that he had previously been prosecuted for various offenses. The man was taken into custody.

Earlier, Sputnik radio reported an accident with a Russian tourist car in Abkhazia.

It became known to the state of the Russians who suffered from the shooting in Abkhazia


The girl almost died in a pit with boiling water, playing in the yard

The girl almost died in a pit with boiling water, while playing in the yard

Ten year old girl fell into a pit with boiling water on one of the streets of Kirov, the investigating committee opened a criminal investigation into the incident.

According to the department, last Monday the child was walking in the yard of his house on Severo-Sadovaya Street. At one point, a concrete slab below fell into a hole formed due to a breakthrough in the heating system.

An occasional passer-by pulled the girl out of the boiling water, she burned 40% of her body.

& # 34; Investigating authorities … have opened a criminal case on the grounds of a felony under paragraph & # 34; in & # 34; h. 2 tbsp. 238 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (execution of works or provision of services that do not meet safety requirements, resulting in serious damage to health through negligence) & # 34;, – in the message of the regional department of the Russia Investigative Committee.

Currently while the girl is being treated in the hospital. Investigators establish the details of the incident and the perpetrators.

Last year Sputnik Radio reported that the UK opened a case after an accident with a child due to dry ice.

The girl almost died in a pit of boiling water while playing in the yard


Details of mother and daughter murder in New Moscow are known

Details of the murder of a mother and daughter in New Moscow are known.

Two women, whose bodies were found in a burnt down apartment in New Moscow, were mother and daughter. Reported by REN TV.

According to the channel, the criminal, who presumably knew the victims, initially had a conflict with 23-year-old Elizaveta. A dachshund started barking at the intruder, and he hit the animal with scissors. After that, the hostess attacked him.

According to preliminary data, the offender first killed the girl and then took care of her mother.

The murder of two women in the village of Kokoshkino in New Moscow has already been reported by the commission of inquiry. The department reported that the bodies of two women with multiple stab wounds and cut injuries were found this morning after they extinguished a fire at a house on Dzerzhinsky Street. Investigators have opened a criminal case under Part II of Article 105 of the Criminal Code – the murder of two people.

Details of the murder of mother and daughter in New Moscow are known


Russian Federation Commission of Inquiry: Woman to be Sentenced for the Murder of Her Husband 12 Years Ago

Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation: a woman will be sentenced for the murder of her husband 12 years ago

In the Krylovsky district of the territory of Krasnodar, a 53-year-old woman and her lover will stand trial for the murder of her husband in 2009, writes “Kuban 24” with reference to the press service of the Investigations Directorate of the Federation Investigation Commission of Russia for the region.

According to the survey, in 2009 a 36-year-old woman and husband lived with a 30-year-old man on the Kazachy farm. During one of the parties, the drunken spouse accused his beloved of betrayal with the second roommate. There was a quarrel. During the procedure, the woman hit her husband on the head with a piece of cinder block, and her lover added two blows with an ax.

The owner of the farm died of his injuries. The couple took his body to the outskirts and buried it. The day after the crime, the woman reported her husband's disappearance to the police in order to deflect suspicion of herself.

The investigation established the involvement of criminals in the murder of a man. They were arrested and taken into custody. The documents in the case were submitted to the court.

Earlier, Sputnik Radio reported that Omsk stabbed his daughter in a fit and seriously injured his wife .

 Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation: Woman will be found guilty of murdering her husband 12 years ago


Tour bus overturned in Leningrad region

A tourist bus returned to the Region of Leningrad

Ten people ended up in hospital after a tour bus returned to the Leningrad region , reports RIA Novosti.

The accident happened near the village of Verkhniye Mandrogi. At the time of the incident there were 45 people on the bus.

According to preliminary data, the driver & # 39; s loss of control on a slippery road could be the cause of the traffic incident.

Seven injured were taken to Podporozhskaya Hospital, three more were taken to Lodeynoye Pole medical facilities. There were no fatalities in the accident.

REN TV has released video of the scene showing the overturned bus.

Separately, seven children who were among the passengers on the bus that went into the ditch were not injured, a representative said. of the regional department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

Doctors and rescuers from the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry are working at the emergency site.

On the eve of radio Sputnik reported that a bus with children caught fire in the Stavropol Territory.

A tourist bus returned to the region from Leningrad


Five people injured after an accident with a minibus in Volgograd

Five people were injured after an accident with a minibus in Volgograd

In Volgograd, five people were injured in an accident involving a truck and a minibus, reports RIA Novosti with reference to the press service of the main regional directorate of the Ministry of Interior of Russia.

According to the department, at around 5 p.m. Moscow time on Sunday, a truck collided with a GAZel minibus in the city's Soviet district due to brake failure. After that the minibus was thrown aside, crashed into a power transmission pole and overturned.

According to preliminary police data, the driver and two passengers of the minibus were initially injured. Subsequently, the number of victims increased. “As a result of the accident, the driver of GAZelle and, previously, four passengers were injured: three women … and, according to the ambulance, another man,” police said, adding that this information is still being clarified.

The city's traffic police department left the scene.

Earlier, Sputnik radio reported that a tour bus returned to the Leningrad region.

Five people were injured after an accident with a minibus in Volgograd
